Your growing bigger each week making your mommy's body look pregnant. I love it! You're the size of a navel orange, 4.5" long and weight 2 to 3 oz. This week, you're practicing breathing, sucking and swallowing so that when you leave my comfy womb, you'll have the skills to survive. You're still little for me to feel your kicking, curling your toes and moving those little arms and legs.
In 6 months, you're going to get big enough where you would want to come out to join our growing family. Mommy and daddy are going to go bananas over holding you and kissing you endlessly. There is no doubt about that. You will get to wear a gift uncle Vince and auntie Ang bought for you on my birthday. You're going to make a very cute little munchkin.
We love you baby Ethan.
Aw... tears.